
Me? socialising... maybe

So I've never been too much of a social person, not that I don't want to, but my comfort zone is incredibly restricted to just me and a few people around me. That's it.
After a lot of encouragement over the fist year, I decided to take some initiative and start moving around and get to know people, selfishly just to make working contacts for my benefit.
That's how I started going to the All Animated group that just happen to take place around the corner from where I live. It was nice to see people attending and showing their work (I even showed the russian dolls I made on first year). Over all I didn't talk to many people at first. I stayed in a corner and the few that had the bravery to come an talk to me probably didn't get the right impression of me.
I blame my language barrier a bit as when I'm nervous I either talk a lot and fluently or it completely dies and people have to figure out what I'm trying to say, in most cases is the second one that takes place.
After that experience I decided to push myself a bit further and kept attending to those talks that carried on until Bradford Animation Festival where people would actually come and say hi to me! I suppose seeing me frequently caused that.

I also tried commenting on a few websites and on Linked in which resulted with getting contact with people all over the world in a friendly way. On The second social network I made a friend from the Midlands who just graduated from a Game related course and invited me to a group of his friends that do constant challenges to keep skills and practice up to date. I'm looking forward to keep improving my social skills and even if I don't get the dream job out of this at least I'm getting and interesting group creative friends.

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