We had our first lecture shared with other courses of the module Personal & professional practice (or PPP).
Being honest, I thought it was going to be a little bit boring and somehow pointless, but it turned out to be more or less more in a personal way.
It focused in how to describe myself in the professional environment, which is something I'm not very good at (in any language), so in someway I hope to make the most of this lecture not only for my professional development but also for my personal one.
For the first exercise we had to choose in between two columns of attitudes and reactions (or at least that would describe us the best) and at the end we ended up with four letters.
I ended up with ISFJ (Introvert, Sensing, Feeling, Judging)
I got a Nurturer, the same result as Siobhan the way she could better explain/describe in one word our result was: "your basically a mom"...
According to the result I have a high sense of duty, I'm loyal, quiet, friendly and responsible. (all very true :D... but still, I'm not a mom )
The second exercise consisted in just giving some aspects of your life some value and put them in a graph... not very impressed with the outcome, but I believe the important parts that make me keep going on are in the right place :)
The last one was about going online (to the BBC website) and filling this 'child of our time' test.
My result ended up being:
- -Openness 4.1/5 (high) [imaginative & curious, exploring new places, cultures and foods, sometimes daydreamer]
- -Conscientiousness 3.6/5 (medium) [good work life, non a workaholic]
- -Extroversion 2.8/5 (low) [ suited to intellectual or studious pursuits]
- -Agreeableness 2.6/5 (low) [less likely to be interested in what others are feeling (not true!)]
- -Neuroticism 4.4/5 (high) [often feel tense or anxious, powerful work ethic, will to succeed]
-Life satisfaction: 6/7
-Relationships: 3.2/7
-Job satisfaction: 3.8/7
-Health: 60/100
-Life Goals: economic
Somehow I see how many things seem to be reflected by the fact that I have to work a lot to achieve the same goals that many others get without any effort. Also, being away from home and not having many people I could rely on (emotionally) tends to be a little bit lonely, but I'm sure that it will change eventually and that at the end I'll be able to appreciate my achievements in a more deep way. (also, my life goals has nothing to do with money, other wise I would have just stayed doing architecture lol )
The module itself seems to be something I need to develop myself as a future professional, understand more the way I am and more important, to be able to express it correctly and make good use of my qualities when it comes to be part of a working team.

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