
Tutorials, tutorials ... endless tutorials

Knowing that my dissertation is a blend of a tutorial and a case study, I had no option but to learn the pipeline as much as I could in a short period of time. At this point I got Photoshop or any other drawing softwares and techniques tamed for the purpose (maybe not to the standards I want, but they'll do the trick).
Maya as a 'put assets together' software I'm pretty sure I'll manage at my level. The problem was Zbrush; I've tried this software before and the interface scared me away. now that I tried to go back to it I decided to target it from 0. Started looking at tutorials on digital tutors and opted for taking the basic Introduction to Zbrush, a 6 hr tutorial to teach you the basics an also introduce you to some of the useful tools and functions that Zbrush has. After finishing those I started to look at some other such as Pipeline Integration with Maya and Zbrush and Creating Game Characters with Maya and Zbrush but the more I spend looking at this tutorials the less I felt I was practising. Looking at the 169 tutorials that Digital Tutors have ONLY for Zbrush was a bit overwhelming and thinking that I had CGCircuit tutorials to watch as well (recommend this one in particular) and other 13 GB of other random tutorials I found online. I felt for a second there was not enough time to watch them all even if I had double the amount of time to do it!
The amount of tutorials in Magazines and in some dissertations I was reading felt like it was just an endless and even found myself watching tutorials while having dinner :-/
For a while it was all I could think of until I broke down and decided to just crack on with work. I still ended up going back to some tutorials because I knew I could do things I just forgot how. I felt like I didn't target this process the best way; I should have been working along with the tutorials and pause them when needed, but at the time I thought they were going way to fast for me to catch up their speed (specially when they come with an amazing model and say 'I did this 3 months ago'...)
Hopefully this won't affect much of my practical work, but I am proud of managing to stand at least 26 hours of pure tutorials without perishing.

(yes...this is how horrifying it looks....and this are just from ONE website! )

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