
Starting a game cinematic

As for our assignment of creating a cinematic using Unity3D as a base game engine, I ended up forming a group with Sophie  and Ryan. It's pretty exciting to work with them again as I know they're really talented and creative people, which more than intimidating me, I feel like I have to give my best to achieve quality standards and also to manage to produce something worth it for a portfolio. 
The three of us are pretty much wanting to try a bit of everything; feeling confident with strong points and at the same time trying to explore the parts on which we are a bit insecure. So to assign the roles basically ended up being quite beneficial (or at least that's how I see it) as we all get to bring to the table ideas about the same points and we get to choose or mix some of them to create a better one. 
Down side of this: it creates an extra effort for all of us to be doing the same thing as at the end the work gets basically done twice (or three times in this case). At this stage of coming up with ideas it all works out for the best as the more ideas we have, be more we get to explore different possibilities. Could it keep working like this for other stages like modelling, rigging and even animating? Who knows? For the moment being I couldn't help myself to create an excel working plan to try to keep things on track and more important, on time. (this is some of the many remaining of my architectural studies) 

This is something that we're all working on and will keep cha. As none of us is really good with communication I thought it would be easier to have everything in a written form to avoid confusions or misunderstandings.  Therefore we created a Facebook group and shared a folder on our Dropbox account to keep files and information flowing as much as possible. 
At least from my part I'll try to do my best and avoid dragging the group down.... and that would be much easier if it wasn't for this damn cold

Looking forward to show some of the sketches / ideas! 

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