
Construct 2

So the game level I have planned has been approved, and it's time to look at the engine. From the multiple "code-free" engines that I looked at, I ended up going for Scirra's Construct 2, mainly because it seems to have a very good manual, excellent community support and ...well...it's free.
I also saw some awesome examples of other one-man-team that managed to achieve some really nice games, which really inspired me to go for it.
The download and installation was dead easy, and after messing about along with some basic tutorials I have to say that I fell in love with it. From not being able to code at all to suddenly having a block character moving around and jumping over platforms was a pretty good feeling.

The amount of tutorials that people have made on the community website is not necessarily well organised and with the amount of submissions, it can take quite a while to select the ones that could be useful. So far I've done only random silly tests, and once I figure out how upload them online, I'll start posting some of my testing to get some feedback.

At this point, I've targeted the stuff that I can do, such as the parallax effect on the background, while still haven't figured out how to make fights happen or even text trigger scenes. This is making part of the potential game play like battle with the guards and cutscenes as an plus on the end product.

So far I can happily recommend this engine for anyone who wants to try making games without knowing much about coding. All is required is having logic...loads of logic and organisation.

(this is The Iconoclast, a game made by Joakim Sandberg done in construct 2 with using pixel art) 

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