
A little help from a stranger...

This time I want to talk a bit about something that has been happening recently, that has happen in the past and that probably happens to many people involved in the creative industry: Art-fear
It starts as a simple 'I'm not inspired at the moment' and it can go on for a long time while every single attempt of work seems meaningless, horrible and with incredible low standards. Comparing yourself with others' work and wasting time in the most incredible way (internet) is just a common practice while being stuck in this kind of phases. 
I was just recently going though all this and more and then, while actually comparing and admiring his work I came across his blog:

This is the profile picture of Nicholas Kole, an american illustrator and recently employee of EA who's work I don't even want to go to describe as it's like my holy grail of inspiration, but something that really got me was his way of speaking. I was incredibly surprise when I read this particular blog post in which he goes on about his art block, but more interesting, the way he deals with it.
The idea of him being talented and successful but at the same time going through the same sort of situation as I was made me realise that how much of a waste of time it can become.
In my case, I feel like I wasted time while deciding my career, so at my 24 years I have the feeling of catching up with the time I didn't practice and manage somehow to reach the level of talent as some younger people who realised their path earlier than me.
There's no time to get stuck, there's no time to worry about your work. You need to be drawing, you need to keep experimenting. This blog is my bible for when I start getting dark clouds above me and I wanted to share not only his amazing work but also his talent to cheer me up even when we've never met. I sent him a message on twitter trying to express my gratitude  and it could have been the 140 word limit or my lack of expressing in a writing way, but I'm sure he doesn't know how helpful he was to me.
Any way, the least I can do is to share his profile and hope you find his blog or work as inspiring as I do:
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