
Final details

So at the end I managed to get a basic house together; I realised until I started doing some test renderings that probably I went in too much details with some of the textures while the ones that I left at the end are a bit sketchy. This is a final group of the house without any deformation. Not sure if being a bit less than 14000 Tris is good or bad for a game environment, but probably I could have done with less, specially on the windows (take in count that there are windows on all four sides of the house).

Also had some troubles with the roof: the main roof tilling is at different scale as the one for the sticking-out windows. I guess I should have done some testing before going through all the trouble of specular and normal maps.
There are some of the textures that were made:

Unfortunately there I ended up making more assets that I could even use like the square's fountain, road sign, chimneys, stairs and even grass. Some are textured but I couldn't put them in context for the render so I decided to let them out. Just for the sake of portfolio I'm planning to finish this scene during the summer.

Above are the unused props, the working texture for the tiles of the town square's floor and the fountain textures. This last one was the first texture I made as a test of the quality I wanted. Spent more time on it that I should have. Also I'm aware that I wasn't as efficient as I should have been; it was until the final crit that I was suggested to reduce the number of textures/shaders in the whole house, like having one or two for the whole thing. At that moment it was quite late as I was already half way through most of them. 
Next post I'll post some quick final renders. 

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