
Forum community and support - collective knowledge

One of the most frustrating parts I've found trying to achieve an artistic/creative product with technical/mechanical techniques such as 3d is the lack of knowledge on a specific tool; that horrible feeling of knowing what you want to make, but not being able to solve a problem of tool-using.
It's impossible to have professors around all the time and even if you could there would probably be many thing they wouldn't be able to help.
After spending hours and hours of looking on tutorials on youtube and not being able to find exactly what you're looking for I ended up turning (more for whining really) to forums and communities seeking for any hope.
I didn't really had much expectations as, I must admit, it never went really went well for me in early interactions with places like Deviantart, where instead of help of feedback you just get a 'looks cool' reply.
I was surprise to see how much support and helpful feedback one can get from more mature forums where like-minded people help you or point you out in the direction you're looking for.
I started opening accounts in the main forums of my interest on one side to get help when needed but also to start stablish contacts with people, that even if they're far away, it's always nice to expand ones social group of people with similar taste.
This are a few of the best forums I've recently joined and highly recommend joining some of them:

Unity 3D
Digital Tutors

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