
Unreal Engine / UDK - first look

So after trying to get my head around what project to do for the responsive module, I decided to make a game level. Because of the time restrain it was intended to just a small part of it and more likely just a video giving an example of how the game would look.
Having the time at the end, I could potentially try to put in a game engine and have it as a interactive walk-able area.

I was undecided at first whether to make a part of a forest or the starting village. Because I remember the problems I had when I made my very old environment with having too many plants and transparent textures I decided to go for the village.
At the same time as I went into the modelling part I started watching the Digital Tutors beginners lessons for an Introduction to UDK. This is a 16 lessons project that guides you from the point of downloading to installing the software to basic addition of sound, textures, level blocking and gameplay.

Now UDK or Unreal Engine has always caught my attention for the vast use of it in the professional industry. After working with unity 3D for a while I wanted to change a bit and experiment with it to have and extra software in my curriculum. So far in the tutorials I manages to get my head around the interface and it's actually not as difficult as I though; if anything I think it took me more time to manage my way around Unity.
Half way through the lessons I realised I wont be able to have put the environment in the engine itself, but I will definitely finish the lessons and give it a try over the summer.

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