
Game Republic student showreal 2013 mascot

Great part of keeping active and always being challenged is to participate in contest, and even though it was last minute, I entered the Game Republic student showreel 2013 mascot contest. 
The idea was to create a logo with the iconic colours of Game Republic which are black, white and a blue/indigo. Understanding a bit of logo design, it's most likely that it will be printed in many surfaces, so the idea of having something as vectorised as possible is always a plus in this case. 
Having videogames itself as the theme, I wanted to portrait the connection that is created between the user and the fictional character; the idea of portraying yourself in the virtual world. 
I based my idea in one of my favourite time passing hobbies: Poker games. 
I've always find the designs of the original poker cards simple, yet amazing how it's double sided, with loads of crazy patterns. 
Now I didn't wanted to go too much in detail as the size of the logo has to be visible from tiny to massive printings, so I tried to keep it as simple as possible. 
With my passion for RPG's I ended up having a kid holding a game controller, while in the opposite side an alter ego of himself as a warrior. I manage to make it look understandable on either point of look. 
After finishing the lines, I played with different options of the blue/indigo colour to see where it would look more attractive.

This was the final submission, which surprisingly was the one picked for the Student showreel 2013!

I rarely win any competition, so this is a nice encouragement for me to keep trying competitions, for as small as they might seem. Looking forward to assist to the event and see this in actual printing :D 

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