
Submission product - Beta version

Like I mentioned on my previous post, the game is technically finished, the only things I'll be fixing after is probably touching up some sprites and animations, dialogue timing, music enhancement and camera angles. For the submission, I believe I've reached the requirements, which were a playable level with pixel art.
At this point I'm quite pleased with the quality and with the proficiency on which I feel I can use the engine now. Never the less, I am aware that there's a LOT of room for improvement, and certainly will carry on polishing it for the final year show and the Game Republics student showcase in Huddersfield.
If you want to have a go at it, here's the link to the online file:

[if there's any obvious problems please refresh the browser. If it doesn't fix the problem, let me know. Also it was designed and mainly tested on Google Chrome, but as far as I'm aware, it should work on Firefox and Safari] (give my level some dignity and don't use Internet Explorer...please...) 

Because I realised that not many people might wan't to have a go at it or probably they get lost ... or just want to cross your arms, lay back, watch and judge my work then here's a screen recording of me playing the game (me knowing what to do). There are conversations with the characters outside the main main storyline, just in case people get lost, and also to give a bit of inside to the story and the characters.

Any feedback would be more than appreciated it, as I still have the end of year show and the Game Republic Student Showcase.

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