
Hair movement

After the new 'hair style' was finished, I moved to experiment a bit with nCloth dynamics; the hair is geometrical therefore there was no point on messing with the nHair from Maya.
 I wanted only the sideburns to move about and the rest to stay still (mainly to avoid killing my laptop with a complex simulation). On a video on Digital Tutors they showed to to make a flag and make it pin to a pole. By taking those same principles I added the nCloth dynamic to the hair, then selected the vertices that I didn't wanted to move and go and click on nContrain > Transform.
That created a locator which allowed me to parent it to the head control and get the hair to follow every head movement.

For the kind of movement that I wanted for the sideburns it became a matter of trial and error. I ended up messing up with the presets and blending them in until I got something that I was satisfied with; I didn't wanted a natural hair movement but something that could be as a hanging part of flesh. Also I slightly modified the gravity just to get a more floating effect (it's an alien anyway...). Also, a nRigid collider had to be added to the body, just to avoid the hair going through it.

It didn't look quite as I imagined it, but this process of baï½”ch rendering sure takes a bit of time.
Also I started thinking that probably I could have achieved a decent movement with the previous hair if I used this technique, but it surely would have consumed way more time to calculate dynamics.

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